An Exhibit of 7 Local Artists
Therese Baisinger, Nancy Howe, Maryjo Koch, Kimberly MacLoud, Albion Smith, Ray Gwyn Smith, Carol Summers
Wednesday, November 13, 2002, 7:30 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room, Bonny Doon School |
The Artists of Bonny Doon
Sometimes it seems that every person in Santa Cruz County, if given the chance, would be a professional artist. Many have actually managed to achieve that dream, and, luckily for us, many of them live in Bonny Doon. At the November 13 RBDA meeting, seven Bonny Doon artists working in various media will exhibit and talk about their work. They are: Terese Baisinger, Nancy Howe, Maryjo Koch, Kimberly MacLoud, Albion Smith, Ray Gwyn Smith, and Carol Summers. Their work ranges from jewelry to glass to painting and printmaking. At the meeting, artists will talk briefly about themselves and their work, and then the audience will be free to roam about the room to look at their work and meet the artists individually. Here are thumbnail descriptions of the 7 artists:
Planning Head Plans for Improvements At the September RBDA meeting county Planning Director Alvin James talked about the problems he faces and the solutions he hopes for in his often-criticized department. James said he perceives:
James is working on recommendations to improve the Planning Department demanded by county Supervisors Mardi Wormhoudt and Jeff Almquist, who asked that matters such as responsiveness and permit processing be addressed. James asked whether the County Code’s regulations should be reviewed, with a view to what can be eliminated and still improve the quality of decisions; whether fees are reasonable, and how much the department’s fees should pay for its work. James said that his department is reviewing whether there are some apparently trivial situations which shouldn’t be regulated by permits. Regarding "red tags," James said that when he arrived there were 4,000
cases in backlog, 100 new cases per month, and 7 staffers handling them.
A moratorium on cases older than 1980 eliminated 1,100, and staff is concentrating
on those cases which affect health and safety. James said 80-100 cases
in the past year resulted in a court hearing. Many were brought by an offender
challenging the penalty. Planning’s goal is to resolve cases before they
become violations, by working with property owners to correct problems.
In the last 12 months 113 cases have been moved from backlog to resolution.
Agenda for the RBDA General Meeting Permit Hearing for Vigne Farms Boarding Stable A public Planning Commission hearing will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 13 on permits for Vigne Farms, a 50-horse boarding and training facility on 79 acres just south of the Bonny Doon Vineyards tasting room on Bonny Doon Road. Vigne Farms has been in limited operation since it was red-tagged 2 years ago. Judge Robert Yonts allowed owner Amie Van Dine to board up to 24 horses until it gets its permits. The project requires Coastal, Commercial Development and Grading permits. Van Dine leases the land from the Soper-Wheeler company, which uses it for timber production. The RBDA board has addressed concerns and questions about traffic, erosion and the manure management plan to the Planning staff. The site drains to a branch of Liddell Creek. North Coast Water Safe for Now As the City of Santa Cruz has been going through its Integrated Water Planning process, a number of methods for getting more water from the North Coast have been considered and discarded. A dam at Yellow Bank Creek was removed from consideration. Diverting heavy winter flows yields water that is too muddy to filter. The last proposal to fall from favor was the plan to supply treated wastewater to farmers in exch ange for water drawn from wells on the North Coast. The city did an investigation of agricultural water sources on the North Coast "to better understand the feasibility of the groundwater exchange concept and to help determine the potential geographic limit and capacity of a reclaimed water system." The study revealed that the groundwater production came from wells south of Majors Creek on State Parks’ Wilder Ranch property. That idea was squashed by a letter from organic farmers rejecting the reclaimed water, and another from State Parks Regional Superintendent Dave Vincent, whose letter cited "uncharted legal and complex policy issues having serious long term implications of statewide consequence that go far beyond Wilder Ranch State Park and the City of Santa Cruz. The intent of setting aside state parklands for natural resource protection and provision of recreational opportunity is not served or enhanced by pursuing this alternative." The raw water pipeline rehab study that trespassed on some Dooners’ property is still in the works but it is no longer intended to take additional water from Majors and Laguna creek diversions. Given the recent crackdown on agricultural water diversions on the North Coast, it was unlikely that the National Marine Fisheries Service and state Fish and Game Dept. would approve a further reduction of stream flows. That doesn’t mean, however, that it’s all easy swimming for the fish. When the city didn’t like the report of the fishery biologist hired for the Watershed Advisory Task force, the report was buried and the biologist fired. And the Central Coast Forest Association has petitioned to have coho salmon removed from the endangered species list for our area. The petition is based on an archeological study it commissioned that failed to find coho salmon bones in midden heaps along the Central Coast. However, the study was limited in scope and methodology and so the archeologist’s report concludes with "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." It is also well documented that Native Americans traditionally return bones and entrails to the sea out of respect for the salmon who have nourished them. The city is left with a desalination plant as the recommended water supply alternative. It will give the city an expensive but reliable source for water even in drought years and ease pressure on North Coast ground and surface water sources. As the city moves forward with that idea, do they still need to repair the diversions and relocate the pipelines that take water from North Coast streams and springs? RMC Digs in on EIR RMC Pacific Materials has begun preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on their proposed limestone quarry expansion, but they are also appealing the court ruling which prevented them from expanding the quarry without one. A major issue will be determining the quarry’s impact on Liddell Spring, currently one of the City of Santa Cruz’s dependable year-round water sources. Since RMC lost their case on a technicality, the appeals court could choose to visit the underlying issue: whether the county has the right to require an EIR for the quarry expansion and what the scope of the EIR should be. The appeals process is a slow one and briefs outlining RMC’s position have not been filed. The county’s recent approval of an increase in production at the RMC facility in Davenport will increase pressure to supply raw material for the plant. Every year the plant has gotten routine approval for temporary production increases. (One justification is that the plant would have to stop production and lay off employees right before Christmas if the production increase is not allowed.) The RBDA board submitted a letter for the Oct. 8 Supervisors’ hearing on the production increase. The letter questioned the appropriateness of expanding production when limestone is running low and quarry expansion is awaiting an EIR, and went on to point out that "RMC’s existing permit (#88-0188) for the Davenport Plant was granted in 1989, with the condition that a 5-year review must be completed: 13 years later, this review has yet to take place." Ecological Reserve Plan Presented In September, the California Department of Fish and Game (F&G) published the long-awaited Final Draft Bonny Doon Ecological Reserve Management Plan (on the Internet, a fact which made it difficult for many people to obtain). Although the public comment period closed on Oct. 25, the Plan can still be accessed from the RBDA website. Interested community members and volunteers looked it over, found many portions which need further work, and submitted comments. Areas of concern include:
![]() RBDA Board Election It’s hard to be engaged in voting when someone who lost the popular
vote leads the country. We may never regain the rights and privileges we
enjoyed before the 2-party system and the Patriot Act. But we can still
exercise democracy in our own community. People still can do the small
things that make a difference close to home, and one way to do that is
working with friends and neighbors in community organizations like the
RBDA. Helping to maintain our environment, water quality, roads and
services has a value beyond preserving our local quality of life. It also
restores the feeling that you can make a difference and that participation
in democracy is still worthwhile. If you are currently an RBDA member please
consider offering your time and energy for a term on the RBDA board. Nominations
for the board elections in January can be made at the Nov 13. Meeting,
or contact Don Coyne (429-5755) of the nominating committee.
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RBDA Executive Board
The Bonny Doon Planning District ![]() If you live in or own property within this district, roughly from Empire Grade to the ocean and from San Vicente Creek to the City of Santa Cruz border, you are eligible to be an RBDA member. |